Happy Holidays 2017

We wish you happy holidays and a healthy and successful New Year 2018.More


Association of Genetic Variants Related to Serum Calcium Levels With Coronary Artery Disease and Myocardial Infarction

Serum calcium has been associated with cardiovascular disease in observational studies and evidence from randomized clinical trials indicates that calcium supplementation, which raises serum calcium levels, may increase the risk...More

21.12.2017blood tube

Arsenic in baby rice cereal higher than FDA recommendation, advocacy group finds

Levels of arsenic in baby rice cereal are much higher than other infant cereals, according to a recent study. And, some are higher than FDA recommendations.More

12.12.2017baby eating

German eBook Chronische Metallbelastungen as of now available

Special price German ebook Chronische Metallbelastungen only now.More

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Poor sperm quality linked to air pollution

Study finds ‘strong association’ between high levels of fine particulate matter and abnormal sperm shape – but impact on wider fertility remains unclearMore

27.11.2017sperm picture

Estimated 9 million premature deaths through environmental pollution

Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death in the world today. Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths in 2015 — 16% of all deaths worldwide —...More

20.10.2017environmental pollution

Do Tattoos Raise the Risk for Cancer?

Can tattoos give you cancer? A new study shows that pigments in tattoo ink migrate from the skin to the lymph nodes, leading to chronic enlargement. Although the long-term effects of this were not studied and are yet unknown, the...More

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